BarCamp Logo Design Unveiled

New Logo to Represent Global Community of Unconferences

Washington, DC - May 16, 2018

The organizers of BarCamp, a global network of unconferences, have unveiled a new logo that will represent the community worldwide. The logo was designed by Alex Giron of nclud and was selected through a competition open to the BarCamp community.

The new logo features a stylized flame, representing the spirit of collaboration and innovation that is at the heart of BarCamp events. The flame is rendered in the Century Gothic font, which is also used in the original BarCamp logo.

"We are excited to unveil our new logo, which we believe perfectly captures the spirit of BarCamp," said BarCamp Global Organizer Chris Messina. "The flame represents the passion and energy that our community brings to every event, and the Century Gothic font gives the logo a classic and timeless look."

The new BarCamp logo will be used on all official BarCamp materials, including the website, social media, and promotional materials. It will also be used by local BarCamp organizers to promote their events.

BarCamp is a global network of unconferences that bring together people from all walks of life to share ideas, learn from each other, and collaborate on projects. BarCamp events are free and open to the public, and they are typically organized by volunteers from the local community.

The first BarCamp was held in Palo Alto, California in 2005, and since then, BarCamp events have been held in over 500 cities around the world. BarCamp is a vibrant and growing community, and the new logo is a symbol of its continued success.

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